Trust Activities

Ecobulb Project 2018

LineTrust has distributed 40,000 LED lightbulbs throughout South Canterbury in April 2018. The project is primarily an energy saving one. It will save on many consumers’ power bills. It will reduce peak electricity demand, thus saving Alpine Energy future capital expenditure.

The project was enthusiastically recommended to the Trustees by Alpine Energy senior Management. The bulbs were ordered especially for this project. They were manufactured to Australian and New Zealand quality standards and warranted by Ecobulb Ltd.
The project was designed to follow a similar successful lightbulb programme in 2004. In 2018 we have used the more advanced and economic technology of LED. Lightbulbs were offered on a “while stocks last” basis.

The expected savings from this project may be hard to measure exactly. However, the trustees are confident that there will be benefits for many consumers and for the lines company.

Healthy Homes

Healthy Homes is an ongoing programme in partnership with EnergySmart at Washdyke. It is co-funded to varying degrees by LTSC, the government via EECA and the SC District Health Board. The programme subsidises insulation for older houses and since 2005 has insulated over 4000 homes. As well as providing warmer and more economic living for many families, it has proven health benefits, especially for the young and elderly.

Healthy Homes Ballot

South Canterbury families have the opportunity to win free ceiling insulation for their house as part of an annual ballot.

LineTrust South Canterbury and EnergySmart join together to run the Christmas Ballot, which has been running since 2005.


Over the last 25 years LineTrust SC, in its various forms, has deployed its dividend from Alpine for the benefit of consumers in various ways. The majority of the dividend, 90%, goes to the annual rebate on consumers’ power bills. The balance has largely been used to fund the ‘Healthy Homes’ programme. It has also funded a heat pump programme, will finance an electricity industry study scholarship and has enabled the projects described above.

Managing the consumer shareholding in
Alpine Energy Limited

South Canterbury


Ford Simpson Ltd
Second Floor, 18 Woollcombe Street
PO Box 540, Timaru, South Canterbury
